Posts tagged with "OnePoll"

Americans would rather inherit a pet from a loved one than a car

November 28, 2023

Americans would rather inherit a pet from a loved one than a car, according to new research conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Trust & Will, reports SWNS Digital.

A poll of 2,000 U.S. adults has revealed that the top assets respondents would like to inherit one day are a house or property (65%), followed by their four-legged friends (59%), and money (58%). A little more than half (53%) would like to be passed down collectibles or a car.

Even so, the researchers learned, as many as one-third (32%) of Americans haven’t considered what happens to their assets when they die. As for the others, a similar number of respondents both have a will (45%) or are included in someone else’s estate plan (46%).

Half (51%) expect to inherit something from a loved one when they pass, and results revealed that respondents prefer valuable heirlooms to sentimental ones (44% vs 27%). When asked the most sentimental thing they’d either want or have inherited from a loved one, responses varied from “My dad’s ring,” to “my mother’s watch,” or “a coin from my father that was very important and personal to him.”

Two in five respondents admit that they’d be jealous of family members who inherited more than they did.

And it seems that the old saying “you can’t take it with you,” might have lost some appeal; respondents would rather save their money for future generations than spend it all when they’re alive (47% vs 30%).

For others, it goes much deeper.  “Photographs of my family and the special moments I can go look at to remind of a simpler time and the moments of good memories.”

Research contact: @SWNS

Moving away when retiring? Most seniors believe that idea is outdated.

November  6, 2023

Two in five seniors claim they’ll “never” move out of their house. A survey of 2,000 Americans age 65+ found that 49% believe that the idea that people need to move away when they retire is outdated and 41% aren’t planning on leaving their current home any time soon, reports SWNS.

An astounding 95% of respondents either are already retired or plan to do so—and, of those respondents, only 29% already have or will adjust their living arrangements. One-third of those (33%) downsized their space; while others moved closer to family (28%), to a quieter area (28%), or to a warmer climate (25%).

If given the opportunity to relocate anywhere, 29% would head to the Southern United States, while an almost equal amount (27%) would stay where they’re at.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of ClearMatch Medicare, the survey revealed that 75% of seniors would rather live in their own home than move into an assisted living community (11%) or in with family (10%).

The top reasons for staying in their home include being able to care for themselves (73%), liking their independence (72%), and enjoying their home (64%). Others enjoy being familiar with their neighborhood (46%), like their current community (42%), and don’t want to leave family behind (24%).

Beyond that, other seniors would miss their friends (25%), local businesses (16%), and even their doctor (15%).

“Today’s seniors are redefining retirement, and their strong desire to remain in their own homes reflects a shift in what we thought traditional retirement to mean,” reflected Ben Pajak, CEO of ClearMatch Medicare, a part of HealthPlanOne. “The survey results speak volumes about their determination to age in place, emphasizing the importance of independence, familiarity, and community connections.”

Research contact: @SWNS

Body hair? Don’t care! 22% of women are shaving and plucking less frequently

September 13, 2023

Is armpit hair the new fashion trend for women? A poll has ascertained that women are more likely to embrace their body hair today—with one in five saying they’re actually content to let their leg, armpit, and bikini lines grow, reports Study Finds.

The survey of 2,000 adults suggests body hair trends have been changing in recent years, with 22% of women now “more likely” to leave body and facial hair unshaven when it suits them. For some, this approach is liberating, as 14% say their body and facial hair allows them to express themselves.

However, the findings suggest that many are keeping their body hair due to wider concerns around removal methods and painful past experiences. Half are worried they’ll get skin irritation or have an allergic reaction from hair removal products; while 33% fear they’ll get spots, and 31% worry that the process will hurt.

The research was commissioned by Philips, makers of the Facial Hair Removal 5000 Series, to look at changing attitudes towards body hair.

“Women today are much more concerned with finding the best hair removal tool for them, especially when it comes to their face. Rightly so, as incorrect facial hair removal can lead to hyperpigmentation, irritation and, in the worst-case scenario, even scarring,” says Dr. Kemi Fabusiwa, who is working with the brand and has an interest in skincare, in a statement.

Of the 87 percent of women who say having facial hair bothers them, 19 percent choose to remove their “peach fuzz” because it prevents them from having a smooth base for their skincare and makeup. However, 62% of women have tried to physically remove hair from their face—with 73% using tweezers to do so.

The study, conducted by OnePoll, also found 12% have risked injury using scissors, while 12% have attempted to pull it using their nails. Another 2% have even resorted to using tape to rip off their facial fuzz.

“We know that every individual woman’s grooming routine is as unique as they are,” says Chloé Fallon, a spokesperson for Philips. “And all women should feel able to express themselves via their body hair in whatever way makes them feel most confident. If or when they choose to remove their facial hair, we want them to feel confident in their method of removal—and not reach for the dangerous, painful, or unsuccessful techniques we know people have resorted to in the past.”

Research contact: @StudyFinds

‘Good Vibrations’ by The Beach Boys makes people happier than any other song

May 25, 2023

“Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys tops the charts as the song that makes people happiest, according to a university professor’s scientific formula. The 1966 hit single checks all the boxes for Michael Bonshor, Ph.D., who specializes in Music Psychology at the University of Sheffield in Britain, reports Study Finds.

To create a happy song, Dr. Bonshor believes in the combination of a major key, 7th chords, 137 BPM, a strong beat, four beats in every bar, and a verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure. The ditty also should have a short intro, repeated riffs, high volume, bright tone, and a mix of predictability and surprise.

The top ten list of happy songs, according to Bonshor’s formula includes the following:

  1. “Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys
  2. “I Got You” (I Feel Good) by James Brown
  3. “House of Fun” by Madness
  4. “Get the Party Started” by P!nk
  5. “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel
  6. “Sun Is Shining” by Bob Marley
  7. “I Get Around” by The Beach Boys
  8. “YMCA” by Village People
  9. “Waterloo” by ABBA
  10. “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire

“Previous studies have found that songs are perceived to be happy if they are in a major key, with a sweet spot of approximately 137 beats per minute,” Dr. Bonshor says in a statement. “We like ‘7th chords’ as they add interest; regular chords use three notes, whereas ‘7th chords’ add an extra note which provides a sense of musical ‘tension’ and ‘relief.’”

“Alongside this, cheery songs usually have a strong 1-2-1-2 beat to them, so that you can dance along—and a short introduction means the song kicks off with a bang straight away, and there’s not a long build up,” Dr. Bonshor notes.

“We like high volume when it comes to how our happy songs are made, with notes played in a bright and bouncy way by instruments such as trumpets or electric guitars instead of mellower instruments. Finally, a repetitive rhythm or guitar riff that people can latch onto and becomes memorable is the cherry on the cake.”

But it’s not just Dr. Bonshor who believes in the ability of some music to lift our spirits. In a recent poll conducted by OnePoll, 46% of adults said singing along to their favorite tracks is a great way to boost their mood. Of those who have specific tunes they turn to in order to cheer up, on average, they have eight numbers on rotation which do the trick.

Nearly six in ten (58%) say these songs have an upbeat feel to them, and the same percentage say they remind them of good memories which put a smile on their face. Meanwhile, 38% say most of their happy tracks were released throughout their teenage years.

The poll also finds that it takes an average of just 14 seconds for these songs to start working their magic. Pop, rock, and dance rank as the three happiest genres of music, while 71% feel music is one of the most powerful influences for changing or reinforcing their mood. Half believe the power of music is actually underestimated, and 38% recognize it can deliver amazing highs and lows.

When reflecting on why music is important to them, 48% put it down to the powerful memories it can evoke and 29% like the fact that they can share it with others. Another 36% have even put on uplifting music around loved ones when they are feeling down to try and lift their spirits.

While half of those who tune in regularly do so within the comforts of their home, 25% consume the most while they are driving.

Research contact: @StudyFinds

Body odor and being a ‘know-it-all’ top the list of dating dealbreakers

April 5, 2023


Rejection can sting—but not knowing why you were spurned can wound you for far longer, reports Study Finds.


And those reasons may be extremely persnickety, a new survey of 2,000 British adults commissioned by upscale dating site Seeking and conducted by OnePoll has found: Simply smelling bad is the top “ick” factor—selected by 24% of respondents. This was followed by pretending to be more knowledgeable about something than they really are and being rude to a waiter (both 21%).


However, 20% left their would-be paramour totally in the dark and didn’t explain what they’d done to deserve being ghosted. It also emerged 58% believe they have given someone the ick themselves, —turning them off totally.


Over half (65%) have ended a relationship because of an “ick”—a trait that turns them off— and 88% have ghosted someone completely. For example, one in seven men (14%) would  happily break it off with someone who wanted to share food on a first date. Sixteen percent of women find wearing a tacky watch is an “ick,” while 15% judge someone else for referring to their favorite sports team as if they were part of the actual team.


What’s more, it seems as if superstition may not be welcomed by some singles. Nearly one in six (15%) have called it quits with a romantic interest because they were obsessed with astrological star signs.


And if you’re flying with your new partner, beware giving the pilots a round of applause for not crashing. For many, that’s apparently an instant dealbreaker as 14% have ended it with someone who clapped when a plane landed.


Nearly half of those polled (44%) describe themselves as at least somewhat picky when it comes to finding a partner, with 33% being “very picky.” Four in five (79%) believe they deserve the best, so they try to up their standards when looking for a partner— showing the prevalence of the “dating up” trend.


“People are very set on what they want, which is empowering,” says Emma Hathorn, spokesperson and in-house dating expert at Seeking, in a statement. “Online dating has opened a whole new world of singles, which means people can afford to have higher standards. And if an absolute deal-breaker for you is someone who never wears sunglasses indoors or chews with their mouth open, that’s absolutely fair enough.”


However, the study revealed 35% believe there is no such thing as being too picky when out on the dating scene—further demonstrating the growing popularity of trying to find more aspirational relationshipsAdding to this, 48% believe that their dating standards have gotten more stringent as they have gotten older—with those 65 and up most likely to feel this way.


The research also uncovered that 73% are likely to judge someone negatively if their new date wants to split a food bill—particularly if they suggested the date. Meanwhile, 72% would critique a first date location choice if it didn’t meet their standards.


When it comes to looking for a potential partner, 33% say salary is most important; followed by 30%, who go for a good sense of style and fashion.

However, 40 percent of adults feel dating does get harder as you increase in years


“The current trend in dating at the moment is ‘dating up’—finding someone who can better and elevate their own lifestyle,” adds Hathorn. “So, the goal for all singletons is to not only be someone who can help someone else ‘date up’—but to find someone who can elevate themselves at the same time.


“As with all things in life, it’s about finding that exact balance that works for you, and this can be tricky if you are totally inflexible in who you date. Keeping an open mind is key, and you may find someone who elevates your life in every way possible—even if they wear terrible shoes.”


Research contact: @StudyFindsorg

Alive and kicking: Why are seniors avoiding the doctor?

April 3, 2023

One in four seniors hates going to the doctor so much that he or she would rather sweat through a whole summer without air conditioning than visit a physician (27%), reports SWNS.

A survey of 2,000 people 64 and older, commissioned by ClearMatch Medicare and conducted by OnePoll, also has found that, rather than seeing their medical practitioners, seniors would let their spouse make all decisions in the home for a weekend (35%).

While many feel optimistic and calm when visiting the doctor (40%, each), one-third admitted they feel anxious (34%) and afraid (31%)—although they wouldn’t admit this to others in their lives (64%). What’s more, on an emotional level, 41% feel unheard or as if their doctor doesn’t care; while 38% are worried about hearing their doctor’s diagnoses/feedback.

Similarly, 35% have difficulty being vocal about their concerns, feeling like their doctor judges them for their eating habits (50%) or weight (48%).

Two in three respondents haven’t been to the doctor in over a year because they don’t like to, or because they can’t afford it (28%, each).

Indeed, to steer clear of a doctor’s office, other respondents said they’d:

  • Do the dishes immediately after they eat for a week (34%);
  • Talk to their least favorite relative for an evening (33%), or
  • Opt to live on a deserted island for three days (27%).

Costs play a large role since the lowest copayment the average senior remembers ever paying was around $38, but now each visit costs about $62, with half paying even more than this (49%).

What else makes seniors uncomfortable at the thought of going to the doctor? Many are still squeamish when it comes to bloodwork or vaccines, with more respondents agreeing they’d plan as many as possible on one day to get them over with, rather than space them out to have time in between (50% vs. 33%).

“Finding a doctor you trust can be an uncomfortable and even scary process,” explains ClearMatch Medicare (a part of HealthPlanOne) CEO, Ben Pajak. “When looking for a new Medicare Advantage plan, it’s important to let your agent know you want a plan that includes your current doctors, to ensure your care is uninterrupted and provide you with peace of mind.”

Finding the right doctor is top of mind for the three in five who prioritize seeing someone they’re comfortable with, with the average senior needing to visit their doctor six times before they trust them.

Seniors also consider other factors when setting up an appointment, like preparing for what the doctor may find (59%) and the costs that will be associated with the visit (51%).

And seniors aren’t just avoiding their primary care doctor—seven in 10 haven’t been to the dentist in over a year (71%); and 57% have put off seeing a specialist, with cost being a top factor for both.

“No one should put off seeing their doctors, especially mature adults,” says HealthPlan Creative Director Lynn Cicchelli. “It’s important to find a Medicare plan that includes your doctors in-network to help keep costs down.”

Research contact: @SWNS

Can’t skip dessert? Your personality may influence your cravings.

February 27, 2023

If you cannot avoid that extra scoop of ice cream for dessert, you are far from alone. Nearly two in five (37%) people say they have a bigger sweet tooth now than they did as a kid, reports Study Finds.

It turns out personality and marital status may even play a role in how you feel about dessert. The survey of 2,000 U.S. adults reveals that there could be more than just taste buds that influence how we feel about sugary foods.

Introverts vs. extroverts

When comparing respondents who are introverts to those who are extroverts, researchers report that nearly half (49%) of extroverts claim their craving for sweets has increased since childhood.

More self-reported introverts than extroverts prefer chocolate desserts (46% vs. 31%), according to the study findings—and introverts also are much more likely to eat sweets in the morning (33% vs. 15%).

And if you’re an introvert, chances are your parents “always” or “often” let you eat desserts as a child (71%). That may be why introverts are more likely than extroverts to order from the dessert menu when eating out (61% vs. 50%).

Optimists vs. pessimists

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Nothing Bundt Cakes for the launch of the latter’s new Oreo Cookies & Cream cake, the survey also discovered how optimists and pessimists differ in their dessert preferences.

Those with an optimistic viewpoint overwhelmingly preferred sweet over sour treats (77% vs. 51% percent of pessimists). And if you tend to have a gloomy outlook, you’re more likely to go for a sour treat than someone with a sunny disposition (20% vs. 7%).

Furthermore, a positive outlook on life may indicate a greater propensity toward a portion of cake (46% vs. 29%). Overall, more than two in five (42%) say cake is their favorite dessert.

Most respondents developed a greater openness toward new desserts going into adulthood, with 73% eating sweets they never tried as a kid.

Married vs. single

Additionally, the research looked into the social aspects surrounding desserts and found that 41% of those with a partner or spouse have a favorite dessert in common.

Seven in ten (73%) said that knowing someone’s favorite dessert indicates a certain closeness. To that end, nearly half (48%) would try a dessert they don’t usually like if offered one by a close friend, and an equal amount said their pal would do the same.

Sharing is caring for 58% of respondents, who “always” or “often” share their desserts with someone else. “Whether you save a slice for someone else or have it all for yourself, our research shows 42% say cake is their favorite dessert, indicating its timelessness,” says Nothing Bundt Cakes Chief Marketing Officer Angie Eckelkamp, in a statement.

The average person polled eats about three desserts per week and has just as many different types of sweets at home.

“Cakes have long been a birthday staple, but we’ve seen cakes become the centerpiece for occasions year-round, as well as ‘just because’ or everyday treats. So, it makes sense to see cakes listed as the top vote-getter for desserts, no matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert,” adds Eckelkamp. “And while classics like strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla topped the list of respondents’ favorite flavors, we were excited to see cookies and cream also featured within the top ten.”

Research contact: @StudyFinds

Time to go! Holiday guests officially overstay their welcome after four days

December 27, 2022

Thinking of hosting friends and family overnight this holiday season? You may want to think twice, reports Study Finds.

A survey of 2,000 Americans (split evenly by generation) commissioned by Serta Simmons Bedding and conducted by OnePoll has found that those hosting friends and family during the holidays lose 2.5 hours of sleep per day when preparing to have others in their home. Of all the generations, Gen Z are the most likely to lose at least four hours of sleep per day while prepping for guests.

Usually, 32% of respondents say they’re both hosts and guests at some point during the holidays, while one in six only host people or only stay as guests. Specifically, Gen Z respondents are most likely to host guests, while Millennials are among the top to stay over as guests.

For those who want to ensure that they are not overstaying their welcome, 49% of respondents think spending four days or more as a guest is too long. Guests seem to be mindful of this unspoken rule. When hosting others, 79% say their guests stay four nights or less.

As guests, Gen Z (70%) and Baby Boomers (85%) aren’t shy. When staying with their partner at their family’s home, they’re less likely to feel awkward about sleeping in the same bed compared to Gen Xers (30%) and millennials (31%).

But, no matter how long people spend visiting their loved ones during the festive season, results found it can affect respondents’ sleep in various ways. Those who are guests during the holidays report that their sleep schedule was disrupted—75% felt compelled to go to sleep and wake up at the same time as their hosts. This was especially true for younger guests: 83% of Gen Z guests match their hosts’ sleep schedule, compared to only 61% of Baby Boomer guests.

What’s more—regardless of whether they’re sleeping in their own bed or not—more than a third of respondents (34%) say the holidays are the most sleepless time of the year. Younger respondents were more likely to agree: 40% of Gen Z and Millennials say it’s the most sleepless time, compared to 31% of Gen X and just 24% of Baby Boomers.

Some of the top reasons include excitement for the season (33%), stress around prepping for guests (25%); indulging in too many holiday treats, and holiday movie marathons (21% and 20%, respectively).

Thirty percent of guests actually bring their own bedding when staying over, with Millennials most likely to do so (37%). Another 12% want to but are worried about offending their host. Although, those who are worried about offending the host, don’t need to be, as seven in 10 Americans shared that they wouldn’t feel very insulted, if at all.

When it comes to additional adjustments to get ready for guests, only 7% of hosts hide valuables, while 25% of guests admit they would snoop in the nightstand. Of guests surveyed, Gen Zers are the most likely to snoop in nightstands (30%), compared to just 16% of Baby Boomers.

And finally, when it comes to guests, Baby Boomers are most likely to always clean up after themselves when staying over at someone’s home (72%).

Research contact: @StudyFindsorg

UK residents can win a good night’s sleep in first BnB to offer actual sheep-counting

October 3, 2022

Located near a hillside in dreamy rural Sussex, England, in a field full of the fluffy farm animals, a “sleep dome” is offering tired patrons a chance to doze off counting real sheep, reports Good News Network.

The small glamping outfit created by a sleep technology company will host two guests and feature a luxurious double-bed with views of idyllic surroundings from all angles.

After dinner and settling in for the night, guests will be encouraged to count the numbered sheep as they walk about their paddock before gently drifting off into a blissful slumber beneath the stars.

Daylight will herald a guided yoga session and a breakfast full of locally-sourced food.

The ‘Shleep Sanctuary’ was created by sleep tech company Emma Sleep, which has launched a contest offering two people the chance to try it for free when it opens in summer 2023.

The dome was created after a poll of 2,000 adults found 44% have struggled to get to sleep this year.

More than one-fifth (21%) of those polled have struggled to sleep due to worries over the cost-of-living crisis, while 23% have been kept up fretting about work.

“The study also found that 23% of respondents claim their quality of sleep is worse now than ever before—with 10% even admitting they can’t remember the last time they slept well.

Trying to improve these unhappy situations, 14% of adults have employed ‘visualization tactics’ like counting sheep in a bid to get a good night’s sleep.

The study, conducted by OnePoll, also revealed factors that respondents say boost their chances of sleeping well—including fresh air and the sound of nature.

“When practiced regularly, these kinds of exercises have been proven to lower the heart rate by encouraging slower breathing and activating the parasympathetic nervous system,” said Theresa Schnorbach, sleep scientist at Emma.

“Imaginative distraction is also an effective cognitive strategy to help sleep, where you imagine a pleasant and relaxing image in as much detail as you possibly can—like counting fluffy sheep as they jump over a fence,” she says.

“The aim is to use as much cognitive capacity as possible so that worrying thoughts are suppressed. Studies show this not only shortens the time it takes to fall asleep but also improves sleep quality.”

For a chance to win a stay at the Shleep Sanctuary with a guest of your choice, register here.

Research contact: @goodnewsnetwork

Nearly half of dog owners don’t know that their pooch should be wearing sunscreen

July 18, 2022

Nearly half of dog owners are completely unaware their pets should be wearing sunscreen during hot weather, reports Express UK.

Indeed, a recent survey of 2,000 dog owners by OnePoll has found that 51% are planning to take their pet on a summer staycation this year. But 46% don’t realize dogs need sun protection, while 55% are not aware of any potential side effects of sunburns on their furry babies.

What’s more, 40% think it’s fine to use human sunscreen on dogs—despite the fact that these products often containing chemicals that may be toxic to our pooches. And 70% have no idea how much sunscreen to apply on their dogs.

In light of the findings, hotel booking platform hoo has launched a campaign to encourage dog-parents to slather their prized pets with sunscreen to protect them from the sun’s rays.

Vet Dr Anna Ewers Clark, veterinary research and standards lead at Britain’s national pet charity Blue Cross, has highlighted how important it is to get dog owners thinking about keeping their four-legged friends safe in the sun.

She says: “Fur is a really great natural sun protector. But there are areas where they won’t have a lot of fur, and those are the key hotspots we worry about—like their ears and the tip of their nose.

“A lot of dogs’ bellies are sparsely furred. If you have a pet who has a light, very thin coat, they are a lot more sensitive to sun damage.

Duncan McKenna, founder of hoo, advises “Plenty of dogs will naturally avoid the sun, but not all of them. One of the biggest problems we see is with dogs who like to sunbathe. People love to see their pets lying out in the sun, they think it’s so cute. But even if it’s not a hot day, we know that temperature isn’t always linked to UV damage.”

He adds, “If you go walking with your dog and take them to the beach, along cliff tops, or even up mountains, you don’t often feel the heat from the sun because you have a nice breeze. But the reflection off the waves, or being higher up, can make that risk higher.

“There is often not a lot of shade so your pet is forced to be out in the sun all day, which they may love if they’re having a great day running around – but you don’t want them coming back with sunburn.”

The study also found that Generation Z—those aged 18-24—are more conscious of their dogs’ suncare requirements, with two-thirds (65%) aware that dogs should use SPF or sun protection.

One-third claimed that although the importance of putting SPF on their dog is new information to them, they’ll be doing so all the time now—while a further 28 percent will do it “when they remember”.

Dr Anna Ewers Clark added: “If you’re using SPF 30 on your dog, reapply every 30 to 45 minutes. It’s very difficult to over-apply it so, if in doubt, put on another layer. The minimum safe SPF for dogs is 30. But with any new cream, test it on your dog before you need it.

“One of the things with pets which we don’t have to think about so much with people is making sure they don’t lick it straight off. I sometimes recommend that if you have a dog that quite likes a treat or a puzzle feeder, put sunscreen on them and give them the puzzle feeder to distract them for a few minutes while it soaks in—because otherwise it will lick it straight off.

“It’s easier to reapply when you’re out because they’re distracted by everything else that’s going on. Reapplication is important so take it with you.

“When you’re putting some on yourself and think it’s getting a bit warm and has been a while since I’ve put it on, make sure you put it on for your pet as well.”

Duncan McKenna, founder of hoo, which is giving away bottles of dog-friendly sunscreen for every dog-friendly hotel booking made through the site for the next two weeks, said: “More than three million households became pet owners during the pandemic, and many studies have shown how our pooches have got us through a really tough time.It’s only right that we take them with us this summer, as many will be taking their first real break in two long years.

“It would be terrible for pooches to then not enjoy their time away due to dreaded sunburn that can be avoided.It’s a great way for the family to upgrade their experiences— pups and all.”

Research contact: @Daily_Express