Posts tagged with "Humane Society of Washington County in Hagerstown"

Cat adoption ad goes viral for its refreshing honesty: ‘She will own you, your house, your belongings’

December 4, 2023

A funny and honest Facebook post about a Maryland cat who is up for adoption went viral over the Thanksgiving weekend, as people commiserated about a very bossy cat, reports Fox News.

Named Quinn, age three, the cat was brought to the Humane Society of Washington County in Hagerstown, in August as a stray. She is currently the longest-term cat resident of the shelter. Her time at the shelter, however, may soon be coming to an end thanks to a viral Facebook post on Friday, November 24.

In its post, the Humane Society went out of its way to highlight all of Quinn’s quirks: “Do you want a cat who doesn’t want you? Do you crave the feeling of being judged in your own home? Do you need someone who will slap you back into reality without notice? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have the cat for you,” the shelter wrote, adding, “Surely, there’s someone out there who would appreciate her icy stare and her sudden smacks.”

Additionally, Quinn has extremely limited physical requirements. “Quinn is essentially a more lively houseplant, because all she really needs a human for is food, water, and changing her litter,” said the post. “If you adopt Quinn, you will not be her owner, because Quinn cannot be owned. She will own you, your house, your belongings and everything you hold dear.”

The shelter also informed potential adoptive families that the cat is not on the main adoption floor—and must be asked for by name. “She’s currently living in an office where she rules with an iron paw,” the shelter said.

Anyone looking to be “Quinn’s servant” should not have any small children or dogs in the house, said the Humane Society. “Quinn would challenge any dog to a fight,” said the shelter. “For the dog’s safety, it’s best she goes to a home without any canines.”

Ever since the post was published, it’s been shared hundreds of times across various social media platforms. Many comments on the original Facebook post praised both the honesty of the shelter and defended Quinn’s behavior as typical “Tortitude.”

Tortiseshell cats, or “torties,” are said to have more of an independent attitude than other cats, notes the website A 2016 study into cat aggression found that the “tortitude” stereotype could be true, said the same website.

“What terrific description and marketing of beautiful Quinn. I’m sure her servant is out there somewhere,” said one Facebook user.

Another defended her, saying “She’s just misunderstood. She just needs her person.”

 While Quinn has not yet been adopted, “she has definitely earned quite a following,” the shelter says, noting, “Quinn has her very own fan club filled not only with cat lovers, but also people who can relate to her prickly preferences.”

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