Richard’s Rainwater turns wet days into paydays

January 26, 2023

For most people, a rainy day means the inconvenience of carrying around an umbrella or the cancellation of an outside event. But for Richard’s Rainwater, the first U.S. company to bottle rain, the liquid is anything but a hassle as a wet day means payday, reports Food Dive.

Richard’s Rainwater collected roughly 4 million gallons of rainwater from two locations in the United States in 2022, before purifying it and then packaging the liquid in bottles and cans. The water, caught before it hits the ground, preventing the need to add chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride or ammonia, is 100 times cleaner than the strictest bottled water standards even before it’s purified, the company says. 

The company—located in Dripping Springs, Texas—announced the opening of the world’s largest potable rainwater collection site in partnership with Faubourg Brewing of New Orleans and its parent company, Made By The Water, on Thursday, January 19. The collaboration creates Louisiana’s first-ever rain capture facility for drinking water and is expected to collect more than 2 million gallons each year, according to the company’s press release.

Richard’s Rainwater CEO Taylor O’Neil said in the release it makes sense to capture rainwater in New Orleans, since it’s one of the three rainiest cities in the United States.

“I’m on a journey of cleaner water that’s harvested responsibility, is significantly better than municipal water with fancy branding, or bottled water … that travels from a single source on the planet all over the rest of the world with carbon footprints,” O’Neil tells Food Dive.

Sales for the water brand, which have soared from about $100,000 in 2017 when O’Neil and other investors purchased the brand, are forecast to top $10 million in 2023. The product is sold at thousands of locations, including Kroger, Albertsons, and Whole Foods.

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