Rare white buffalo at Yellowstone National Park fulfills Native American prophecy

June 13, 2024

A rare white buffalo has been born in Yellowstone National Parkfulfilling a prophecy of one of the largest Native American tribes, reports The Express.

The white calf was spotted on June 4 in the Lamar Valley in the northeastern corner of the park.  of Kalispell, Montana, who was visiting the park with her family, took several shots of the calf after spotting it among a herd of bison across the Lamar River.

Traffic was brought to a standstill while the herd crossed the road, which prompted Braaten to take out her camera and photograph it.

“It was pretty amazing,” Braateen told USA Today. “It just seemed really odd for it to be there and we got stuck in traffic. And so I took my camera out and looked back and saw that it was actually a white bison calf that had just been born.”

After the bison left the roadway, Braaten and her family turned their vehicle around and found a spot to watch the calf and its mother for more than half an hour.

Bratten told the Associated Press that, while she could not find the white calf after coming back to the same spot in the next two days, she was “totally floored” to bear witness to the arrival.

While the birth of the calf has not been confirmed by Yellowstone National Park officials, a naming ceremony is set to be held by members of the Lakota Sioux tribe to celebrate the calf’s birth at Buffalo Field Campaign headquarters in West Yellowstone.

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